IDLE Berserker Mod APK 1.1.36 (Unlimited money and gems)

Name IDLE Berserker X Doom Breaker IDLE Berserker X Doom Breaker is the most famous version in the IDLE Berserker X Doom Breaker series of publisher CookApps
Publisher CookApps
Genre Games
Size 302.22 Mb
Version 1.1.36
Update Aug 10, 2023
MOD Unlimited money and gems
Get it On Play Store
Total installs 1,000,000+
Android Android Games
4.4 ( 975 ratings )
Price: $0

IDLE BERSERKER x DOOM BREAKER! Breathtaking battles with various collab characters! Extreme action collaboration starts now!

Play the easy-to-grow IDLE Berserker: Action RPG in the palm of your hand!

The swordsman wandering around Gasgaia was on the verge of death due to a critical injury but miraculously survives because of a girl who appears out of nowhere.

However, when he realizes that the girl who saved him was taken as a sacrifice to the Black Dragon Trakan, he signs a contract with the Reaper and is reborn as a berserker full of rage.

■Spectacular combat action
Feel the power of the berserker that amplifies in rage!

■Infinite growth RPG
Grow infinitely to defeat the Black Dragon Trakan.

■Easy gameplay
Anyone can easily enjoy the game. The game is simple yet packed with splendid action!

■Rich collection
Obtain and upgrade tons of amazing equipment and skills!

■Breathtaking game contents
Enjoy various contents such as auto battle, dungeon, summon, quest, and hero growth!

■Unique costumes
Equip unique costumes and diversify your berserker concepts!

App Permissions
[Optional Permissions]
: required storage access permission to save game data

[How to revoke access] ▸ Android 6.0 or higher: Settings > Applications > Permissions > Permissions list > Revocation settings ▸ Under Android 6.0: Upgrade the operating system to revoke access or delete the application ※ If you are using an Android version less than 6.0 Since you cannot individually set optional access rights, it is recommended to update to version 6.0 or later.

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